TablePress Example

Table + Printing Press = TablePress

Hah hah. Get it?

Steps for Inserting a TablePress Table

  1. Create your table in the TablePress section of the back end. Configure the options as you wish.
  2. On the page you want to insert the table, click the “Select Content Type” button and choose TablePress.
  3. From the dropdown menu select the table that you wish to insert.
  4. Save and view the page.
  5. Share it far and wide.  Amaze your friends.

This is a Table

ColorSmellTasteFeelSoundloremipsumdolorsit ametloremipsumdolorsitamet
YellowBaking breadSalmonSoftResonantloremipsumdolorsitametloremipsumdolorsitamet
International Bicknell's Thrush Conservation Group